Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential CBCD

Method(s) Cell Count
Specimen Required

One 3 mL lavender (EDTA) top tube.

Also acceptable

Lavender (K2EDTA) microtainer. Fill to 300 microliter line.

Transport 3 mL whole blood at 20-25ºC or 2-8ºC.

Mix the tube 8-10 times to avoid clotting.

Stability Ambient; Refrigerated: 24 hours.
Unacceptable Conditions Clotted or quantity not sufficient samples are not acceptable for testing.
Schedule Daily-24 hours per day
Billing Code 4010106
CPTCode 85025; if reflexed 85055
Notes If a manual differential is specifically requested, there is an additional charge. Immature platelet fraction (PIPF) may be reflexed if indicated. CPT 85055 additional charge.
Preferred Specimen Collection Device(s)
Reference Interval
Component TypeAgeMaleFemale
White Blood Cell Count (WBC)09.0 - 30.0 10*3/uL9.0 - 30.0 10*3/uL
 1 - 6 days9.4 - 34.09.4 - 34.0
 7 - 13 days5.0 - 21.05.0 - 21.0
 14 - 27 days5.0 - 20.05.0 - 20.0
 28 days - 3 months5.0 - 19.55.0 - 19.5
 4 months - 1 year6.0 - 17.56.0 - 17.5
 2 - 3 years6.0 - 17.06.0 - 17.0
 4 - 5 years5.5 - 15.55.5 - 15.5
 6 - 9 years4.5 - 14.54.5 - 14.5
 10 - 17 years4.5 - 13.54.5 - 13.5
 Adult4.1 - 11.04.1 - 11.0
Red Blood Cell Count (RBC)0 - 13 days4.00 - 6.60 10*6/uL4.00 - 6.60 10*6/uL
 14 - 30 days3.60 - 6.203.60 - 6.20
 1 - 2 months3.00 - 5.403.00 - 5.40
 3 - 5 months3.10 - 4.503.10 - 4.50
 6 months - 1 year3.70 - 5.303.70 - 5.30
 2 - 5 years3.90 - 5.303.90 - 5.30
 6 - 11 years4.00 - 5.204.00 - 5.20
 12 - 17 years4.50 - 5.304.10 - 5.10
 Adult4.60 - 6.104.00 - 5.40
Hemoglobin(HGB)0 - 13 days14.5 - 22.5 g/dL14.5 - 22.5 g/dL
 14 - 30 days12.5 - 20.512.5 - 20.5
 1 - 2 months10.0 - 18.010.0 - 18.0
 3 - 5 months9.5 - 13.59.5 - 13.5
 6 months - 1 year10.5 - 13.510.5 - 13.5
 2 - 5 years11.5 - 13.511.5 - 13.5
 6 - 11 years11.5 - 15.511.5 - 15.5
 12 - 17 years13.0 - 16.012.0 - 16.0
 Adult13.5 - 18.012.0 - 16.0
Hematocrit (HCT)0 - 13 days45.0 - 67.0%45.0 - 67.0%
 14 - 30 days39.0 - 63.039.0 - 63.0
 1 - 2 months31.0 - 55.031.0 - 55.0
 3 - 5 months29.0 - 41.029.0 - 41.0
 6 months - 1 year33.0 - 39.033.0 - 39.0
 2 - 5 years34.0 - 40.034.0 - 40.0
 6 - 11 years35.0 - 45.035.0 - 45.0
 12 - 17 years37.0 - 49.036.0 - 46.0
 Adult41.0 - 53.036.0 - 47.0
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)0 - 13 days85 - 121 fL85 - 121 fL
 14 - 30 days88 - 12488 - 124
 1 - 2 months85 - 12385 - 123
 3 - 5 months74 - 10874 - 108
 6 months - 1 year70 - 8670 - 86
 2 - 5 years75 - 8775 - 87
 6 - 17 years77 - 9577 - 95
 Adult80 - 9580 - 95
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)0 - 13 days31.0 - 37.0 pg31.0 - 37.0 pg
 14 - 30 days28.0 - 40.028.0 - 40.0
 2 months26.0 - 34.026.0 - 34.0
 3 - 5 months25.0 - 35.025.0 - 35.0
 6 months - 1 year23.0 - 31.023.0 - 31.0
 2 - 5 years24.0 - 30.024.0 - 30.0
 6 - 11 years26.0 - 33.026.0 - 33.0
 12 - 17 years25.0 - 30.025.0 - 30.0
 Adult27.0 - 32.027.0 - 32.0
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)0 - 13 days29.0 - 37.0 g/dL29.0 - 37.0 g/dL
 14 - 30 days26.0 - 38.026.0 - 38.0
 1 - 2 months29.0 - 37.029.0 - 37.0
 3 months - 1 year30.0 - 36.030.0 - 36.0
 2 - 17 years31.0 - 36.031.0 - 36.0
 Adult32.0 - 36.032.0 - 36.0
Red Distribution Width (RDW)0 - Adult10.5 - 14.5%10.5 - 14.5%
Platelet Count (PLT)0 - Adult150 - 450 10*3/uL150 - 450 10*3/uL
Mean Platelet Volume (MPV)0 - Adult9.4 - 12.4 fL9.4 - 12.4 fL
Neutrophil %0 - 6 days30.0 - 90.0%30.0 - 90.0%
 7 - 13 days22.0 - 67.022.0 - 67.0
 14 days - 5 months20.0 - 60.020.0 - 60.0
 6 months - 1 year15.0 - 47.015.0 - 47.0
 2 years16.0 - 49.016.0 - 49.0
 3 - 5 years21.0 - 53.021.0 - 53.0
 6 - 11 years25.0 - 76.025.0 - 76.0
 12 - 17 years27.0 - 81.027.0 - 81.0
 Adult35.0 - 75.035.0 - 75.0
Absolute Neutrophil06.0 - 26.0 10*3/uL6.0 - 26.0 10*3/uL
 1 - 6 days5.0 - 21.05.0 - 21.0
 7 - 13 days1.5 - 10.01.5 - 10.0
 14 - 30 days1.0 - 9.51.0 - 9.5
 1 - 5 months1.0 - 9.01.0 - 9.0
 6 months - 1 year1.0 - 8.51.0 - 8.5
 2 - 5 years1.5 - 8.51.5 - 8.5
 6 - 11 years1.5 - 8.01.5 - 8.0
 12 - 17 years1.8 - 8.01.8 - 8.0
 Adult1.8 - 7.71.8 - 7.7
Lymphocyte %0 - 6 days26.0 - 36.0%26.0 - 36.0%
 7 - 13 days20.0 - 62.020.0 - 62.0
 14 days - 3 years24.0 - 72.024.0 - 72.0
 4 - 5 years25.0 - 75.025.0 - 75.0
 6 - 11 years21.0 - 63.021.0 - 63.0
 12 - 17 years19.0 - 57.019.0 - 57.0
 Adult16.0 - 52.016.0 - 52.0
Absolute Lymphocyte02.0 - 11.0 10*3/uL2.0 - 11.0 10*3/uL
 1 - 6 days2.0 - 11.52.0 - 11.5
 7 - 30 days2.0 - 17.02.0 - 17.0
 1 - 5 months2.5 - 16.52.5 - 16.5
 6 - 11 months4.0 - 13.54.0 - 13.5
 1 year4.0 - 10.54.0 - 10.5
 2 - 3 years3.0 - 9.53.0 - 9.5
 4 - 5 years2.0 - 8.02.0 - 8.0
 6 - 11 years1.5 - 7.01.5 - 7.0
 12 - 17 years1.2 - 5.21.2 - 5.2
 Adult1.2 - 4.81.2 - 4.8
Monocyte %0 - 6 days3.0 - 9.0%3.0 - 9.0%
 7 days - 5 months4.0 - 14.04.0 - 14.0
 6 months - Adult0 - 12.00 - 12.0
Absolute Monocyte0 - 13 days0.4 - 1.8 10*3/uL0.4 - 1.8 10*3/uL
 14 days - 11 months0.5 - 1.10.5 - 1.1
 1 year - Adult0 - 1.00 - 1.0
Eosinophil %0 - 17 years0 - 4.0%0 - 4.0%
 Adult0 - 5.00 - 5.0
Absolute Eosinophil0 - 5 months0 - 0.9 10*3/uL0 - 0.9 10*3/uL
 6 months - 5 years0 - 0.70 - 0.7
 6 years - Adult0 - 0.50 - 0.5
Basophil %0 - 5 years0 - 1.0%0 - 1.0%
 6 - 17 years0 - 3.00 - 3.0
 Adult0 - 4.00 - 4.0
Absolute Basophil0 - 5 months0 - 0.6 10*3/uL0 - 0.6 10*3/uL
 6 months - Adult0 - 0.20 - 0.2
Immature Granulocyte %Adult0.0-0.50.0-0.5
Absolute Immature GranulocyteAdult0.0-0.1 10*3/uL0.0-0.1 10*3/uL
No Appointment Necessary
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