24 Hour Urine Specimen Collection
24 Hour Urine Collection Instructions:
- On the day of collection, select a convenient time to start, urinate into toilet and note the time: ________________am/pm.
- From then on, collect all urine passed during the next 24 hours and add to the collection bottle.
- On the following day at the exact time noted above ( 24 hours later ), again urinate and add this to the bottle.
- Label the bottle with your first and last name, date of birth or hospital number, time and date of collection started and time and date collection was completed.
Important Reminders for Patients Collection 24 Hour Urines:
- Between urinations - keep the specimen refrigerated on ice.
- Place the specimen container into the plastic bag provided by the laboratory
- Bring the total 24 hour urine collection to the laboratory or Patient Service Center as soon as possible after the collection is complete.