Requests for HIV Results
Due to the strict confidentiality of HIV testing, HIV results are released only to the ordering physician or authorized healthcare provider. Any requests for HIV test results will be handled as follows:
- If a phone request for HIV results is received, the request will be fulfilled by fax to the number on record ONLY. Verbal results will not be given in response to a phone request.
- Requests for HIV results by fax will be provided ONLY to the authorized healthcare provider and ONLY to the provider's confirmed office fax number. Authorized healthcare providers may include, but are not limited to:
- the ordering clinician
- resident or attending physicians caring for the patient
- nursing staff at labor and delivery facilities caring for a patient whose prenatal HIV testing was performed as an outreach patient
- If the office fax number is not documented in the LIS under physician inquiry, call the authorized physician office and confirm the fax number before faxing a report.
- Any requests for HIV related medical information from anyone other than the authorized healthcare provider should be referred to the appropriate Medical Records Department for inpatients. All other requests should be directed to the Laboratory Alliance Compliance Officer. New York State Department of Health regulations require the patient to complete an authorization for release of medical information prior to Laboratory Alliance fulfilling the request. The form (HIPAA Compliant Authorization for Release of Medical Information and Confidential HIV Related Information, DOH-2557) may be accessed from the Department of Health website via the following link:
New York State Public Health Law prohibits disclosure of confidential HIV related information, including HIV test results. Anyone who receives or has access to HIV related information in the course of providing health or social services to a patient must comply with all confidentiality requirements. All Laboratory Alliance employees are required to safeguard any medical information they may have access to in the course of performing their job. BREACH OF CONFIDENTIALITY MAY BE GROUNDS FOR IMMEDIATE DISMISSAL FROM EMPLOYMENT AND SUBJECT TO POTENTIAL LITIGATION.