Patient Reports (Physician Office or Long-Term Care Setting)
Report Types
Clients may choose from one of the following selections to meet their reporting needs:
- New Activity Event Reports
- Final Event Reports (only)
- Daily Event Reports followed by Final Event Reports
New Activity Event Reports [Teal border]
- A new report is generated as new results are processed.
- The report contains the new activity since the last report.
- All order codes display.
- Clients are requested to retain all reports to ensure that the patient chart is complete.
Final Event Reports (Only) [Teal border]
- A report qualifies to print when all testing is completed for a specific patient encounter.
- Clients are requested to retain all reports to ensure that the patient chart is complete.
Daily Event Reports [Burgundy border]
Followed by
Final Event Reports [Teal border]
- A Daily Event Report is generated when one or more test results are pending on a patient encounter. When a new Daily Report qualifies to print, it contains all previous test results as well as the new activity. ‘Old’ Daily Reports may be replaced as the new ones are generated.
- The Final Event Report prints when results for all orders in an event have been completed.
- The Daily Event Report(s) should be discarded when the Final Report is generated.
Report Content Format
Each report contains the following information for Chemistry and Hematology testing:
- Ordered tests
- Collection Date & Time // Received Date & Time
- Test name and corresponding results
- Reference ranges and units of measure (when applicable)
- Abnormal results demarcated with * symbol
- Critical values demarcated with ** symbol
- Priority codes such as STAT
- Result date and time
Microbiology procedures display:
- Ordered tests
- Collection Date & Time// Received Date & Time
- Procedure Name
- Specimen Source
- Special requests or comments
- Results
- Report status: Pending or Final
- Result date and time
Blood Bank testing includes:
- Ordered tests
- Collection Date & Time // Received Date & Time
- Information about each allocated unit for type & crossmatches
- Patient ABO/Rh
- Antibody information
- Result date and time
Reports may also contain additional information such as:
- Special order comments about faxing and result notification.
- An indication that the report was forwarded upon request to a “copy to” physician.
- Explanation of test results.
- Pertinent details about critical values and abnormal data that are communicated to a clinician.
- Notification about tests that are canceled, indicating a reason for the cancellation, amended reports that are clearly indicated, and contain the new activity as well as the previously reported data.